How to get from Perissa To Fira
Bus Timetable from Perissa to Fira
The buses from Perissa to Fira typically run every 30 minutes during the summer time but less frequently during the winter.You can check the latest timetable here.
Paying Your Fare
The fare from Perissa to Fira costs € 2.40.
Tickets are purchased ONLY on the bus. When you enter the bus the you can take a seat if there is one available.If there is none you are not in luck and you have to commute the whole way standing. While the bus is moving, a money collector will come to you to collect your fare and give you a ticket. Please remember to keep your ticket till you get off the bus as you could be asked for it again to prove you paid your fare.
Perissa Bus Stops near you.

In Perissa there are four main bus stops that are in a straight line as the bus is leaving Perissa and the bus drives past everytime it enters or leaves the village of Perissa.
The first stop is the terminal stop is Perissa Beach Station.The bus stops there and all the people get off and new passengers get on before the bus starts its route to fira.
The next stop is Perissa Church and it’s a stop that is opposite the big orthodox church of Stavros.
The next stop is opposite the Cyclades Restaurant.
Before leaving Perissa the bus stops once again infront of Bobs Bar and Meltemi Hotel and departs towards Fira.
The last stop leaving the Perissa village is a bit after Markos bikes.
Next stop is on the crossing of the main road with the road to Perivolos infront of Lucas bikes.
On the way to Emporio
Leaving the village on Perissa and you are on the way to Emporio. Next stop is the bus stop at the Super Market of Sklavenitis before the village of Emporio
Next stop is Emporio, the village with highest population on the island . Its also where you can find the Kasteli of Emporio, the Tower of Goulas and a few nice orthodox churches.
The next stop on the way to Fira is on the crossing of the main road Perissa to Fira with the road to Acrotiri.There is a nice bakery there and a bit further up the road is the Lost Atlantis Experience – Interactive Museum that is really worth visiting!
Village of Megalochori

Next Stops are Megalochori (the lower side entrance) and Megalochori (Family bakery stop) ,where you can stop and visit the traditional village of megalochori. You can find Gavalas Winery and some nice Restaurants there.
The bus keeps going uphills towards Pyrgos and next stop is the stop on the way that goes down to the Port.
Village of Pyrgos

The Bus stops on two places there.
First one is on the main road before it takes a detour to Pyrgos that is close to Santo-Wines.
The second one is on the central square of pyrgos where it makes a turn and heads back to the main road and head towards Vothonas and Messaria.
Vothonas & Messaria
The next two stops are Vothonas and Messaria and they both are stops that are used mainly by locals. They are mainly residential areas with not a lot of things to see there.
Next stop is the village of Karterados. You will find the Police station there and the Santorini Hospital as well as many hotels there that are near Fira but at much more affordable prices.
Again there is one more stop till you get to the Fira Terminal station but really nothing worth mentioning.
You are now in Fira.
Last stop is the Terminal Station of Fira. The bus stops there, the people get off the bus and it departs again shortly after going to Perissa, following the same route and the same stops as above but in reverse order.
Enjoy the town of Fira !